I’m having an issue to which I haven’t been able to find a solution just by searching here or on Google.
I’m building a project which is shared by multiple developers. For some reason I’m the only one with this issue. I checked out the code several times and even re-installed Xcode.
So what happens is that when I build the project the build process hangs forever. A process called “Interface Builder Cocoa Touch Tool” runs and starts accumulating RAM until it reached the Mac’s limit (which is 16 GB). At this point, as soon as I see that I kill the process and the build fails.
On the Console App I see this:
2014-10-02 4:45:16.013 PM Interface Builder Cocoa Touch Tool[875]: BUG in libdispatch client: kevent[EVFILT_VNODE] add: "Bad file descriptor" - 0x9
2014-10-02 4:45:17.956 PM Interface Builder Cocoa Touch Tool[875]: assertion failed: 13F34: libxpc.dylib + 29453 [75E30F22-514B-3A20-B82C-EDA43AF5C35C]: 0x8d
On Xcode I see the build getting stuck on “Compiling 1 of 1 story board files”, or “Compiling 1 of 1 asset catalogs”.
Even if I stop the build, the “Interface Builder Cocoa Touch Tool” process will continue running and accumulating RAM.
I do see two warnings related to the story board:
Base.lproj/MainStoryboard.storyboard Frame for "Scroll View" will be different at run time.
Base.lproj/MainStoryboard.storyboard: warning: Unsupported Configuration: Prototype table cells must have reuse identifiers
And I see two warnings for the assets:
../Images-2.xcassets: A 57x57 app icon is required for iPhone apps targeting releases of iOS prior to 7.0
../Images-2.xcassets: A 57x57@2x app icon is required for iPhone apps targeting releases of iOS prior to 7.0
But I don’t think these are the cause.
Here are Xcode’s and the Mac’s information:
2.5 Ghz, Core i7 with 16 GB of Ram. Os X 10.9.5. Xcode 6.0.1.
Any help is more than welcomed.
I did a "binary search" to find which element was corrupting my .xib file.
Each time, I had to kill Xcode, delete Derived Data. Once I found the sub-view that was causing the problem, I removed and reconstructed it.
I believe the problem is related to the new font mechanism in interface builder. Remove all references to fonts in your project and I bet the problem goes away.
I am not using Storyboards but I think the problem here may be at a higher level and not related to storyboards. I faced the same problem (xcode hangs while trying to build the app, activity monitor shows interface builder using 99% CPU).
The following worked for me - In the .xcodeproj file, changing the iOS Deployment Target from 6.0 to 7.0 fixed it instantly.
I was getting the same "Compiling Storyboards" or "Compiling Asset Catalog" hang under Xcode 7.3.1. Activity Monitor showed multiple "Interface Builder Cocoa Touch Tool" processes running.
I was able to continue by:
In Xcode, right-click on the storyboard file and select Open As -> Source Code. In the source code editor, change the value of "useAutolayout" to "NO". Then, you should be able to open your storyboard as Interface Builder. I ran into this annoying issue. Now, all of my storyboard files created in Xcode 5 can be open in Xcode 6 now.
I fixed this issue by just resolved all warnings related to storyboard. For example: 1. I deleted unused prototype cell in TableView, because it will cause warning about something like "No reuse Identifier". 2. I deleted unused view controller.