webapi 2 attribute routing not working

2019-01-31 11:59发布

I have visual studio 2012 installed with mvc4 using .net framework 4.5. Now I want to use webapi2 with attribute writing and i want my hlep page show all the endpoints properly.

In my solution i added a new mvc4 base emtpy project and using nuget i upgraded to mvc5 and then i have installed webapi2 packages. lastly i have installed help package for webapi2.

now when i use routeprefix I cant see any content on help page and when i try to access my webapi endpoint in browsers it throws following error.

    No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI ''.
    No type was found that matches the controller named 'v1'.

namespace WebApi.Controllers
    public class SubscribersController : ApiController
        // GET api/<controller>   
        public IQueryable<string> Get()
            return new string[] { "value1", "value2" }.AsQueryable();


2楼-- · 2019-01-31 13:01

Make sure you don't have two controllers with the same name! I was moving some controllers from one assembly I was throwing away into the website... whilst the website no longer had references to the old assembly other assemblies did which meant it was copied in to the WebSite bin folder. The route discovery process then seemed to fail silently when it came across two occurrences of the same controller!

3楼-- · 2019-01-31 13:02

In my case, VS create my controller with the name


I dont know why he put this number "one" in the end of name, but remove and will work.

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