When using OpenCV's findHomography
function to estimate an homography between two sets of points, from different images, you will sometimes get a bad homography due to outliers within your input points, even if you use RANSAC or LMEDS.
// opencv java example:
Mat H = Calib3d.findHomography( src_points, dst_points, Calib3d.RANSAC, 10 );
How can you tell if the resulting 3x3 homography matrix is acceptable or not?
I have looked for an answer to this here in Stackoverflow and in Google and was unable to find it.
I found this article, but it is a bit cryptic to me:
The best way to tell if the homography is acceptable is.
1- Take the points of one image and reproject them using the computed homography.
2- Calculate the euclidean distance between the reprojected points and the real points in the image.
Reprojection error for one point. p is the projected point and q is the real point.
3- Establish a treshold that decides if the reprojection error is acceptable.
For example, an error greater than one pixel wouldn't be acceptable for many tracking applications.