I need to convert time value strings given in the following format to seconds.I am using python2.6
1.'00:00:00,000' -> 0 seconds
2.'00:00:10,000' -> 10 seconds
3.'00:01:04,000' -> 64 seconds
4. '01:01:09,000' -> 3669 seconds
Do I need to use regex to do this ?I tried to use time module,but time.strptime('00:00:00,000','%I:%M:%S')
ValueError: time data '00:00:00,000' does not match format '%I:%M:%S'
Can someone tell me how this can be solved?
I think
pt =datetime.datetime.strptime(timestring,'%H:%M:%S,%f')
total_seconds = pt.second+pt.minute*60+pt.hour*3600
gives the correct value..I was using the wrong module
without imports