How do i get out of the habit of procedural progra

2019-01-31 02:07发布

I'm hoping to get some tips to kinda help me break out of what i consider after all these years a bad habit of procedural programming. Every time i attempt to do a project in OOP i end up eventually reverting to procedural. I guess i'm not completely convinced with OOP (even though i think i've heard everything good about it!).

So i guess any good practical examples of common programming tasks that i often carry out such as user authentication/management, data parsing, CMS/Blogging/eComs are the kinda of things i do often, yet i haven't been able to get my head around how to do them in OOP and away from procedural, especially as the systems i build tend to work and work well.

One thing i can see as a downfall to my development, is that i do reuse my code often, and it often needs more rewrites and improvement, but i sometimes consider this as a natural evolution of my software development.

Yet i want to change! to my fellow programmers, help :) any tips on how i can break out of this nasty habbit?

2楼-- · 2019-01-31 02:17

Well, first off design patterns are about the worst thing to pattern your programming to.

It's just a big set of things. It's nothing to do with OOP, and most of them such as singleton are constantly used for all the wrong reasons (ie initialization). Some of these things you have to use so telling you about them is pointless, others are counterproductive, and the rest are just special case things. If you try to learn anything this way everything will start to look like some bizarre doodad someone came up with for a very special problem or because they needed infinite genericity (which is seldom true). Don't let people con you into using a million iterators and templates for no reason and make things ten times more complicated.

Really OOP is a simple subject that gets massively overcomplicated. Unfortunately in C++ it has a lot of issues but really simple virtual methods are what matters. Pure virtual base classes used much like a java interface object are the most useful but also just plain virtual methods here and there will come in handy.

It's mostly been overblown. It also doesn't lend itself well to every problem. If you make database and gui stuff it lends itself well to that. If you make system tools it is usually not as helpful.

3楼-- · 2019-01-31 02:18

I think it´s important to learn the theory first. So reading a book would be a good start.

4楼-- · 2019-01-31 02:20

There are already quite a few answers about where to find information on programming in an object-oriented fashion. Indeed, there are many great books out there that will define the basic concepts however I think the question was more on how to "stick with it" through development for someone new to the method.

Of the many concepts in object-oriented programming, the main one that will keep you on track as a newcomer is encapsulation. Does my class know how to take care of itself? Does my class have behaviour? If it doesn't, then you don't have a class, you have a structure and you'll likely be writing a lot of procedures to change its state (as it's said, "you are back to writing C in Java"). Does my class only expose methods publicly that are required for its use? Those questions may not be terribly elaborated upon but perhaps consider this thought experiment when designing your classes: What if each one of your application's classes were to be developed and maintained by a different developer on the internet and the classes also had to interact with eachother over the internet. Would each developer agree that the class they are writing and maintaining adheres to the single responsibility principle and therefore be happy that they aren't maintaining what should be someone elses code?

Regarding the design of class interfaces, consider writing all of the code that uses your classes first. Don't worry about what has to happen at the metal yet. You should be able to stub out the entire program in terms of the class relationships before you write your first bit-twiddling implementation detail. If you can't do this without twiddling bits or making a variable public, then it is time to go back to your class relationship diagram and see if you are missing an abstraction. Phrased another way, use your code before you write your code. Do this first, and you might be suprised how clean your code and interfaces turn out if you've never done it before.

While design patterns are certainly good to learn, and some are extremely powerful, they aren't generally intrinsically object-oriented and as some argue (and I tend to agree) design patterns are often just exposed weaknesses in the language. One language's design patterns is another's basic founding principles. So when starting, don't get hung up on whether or not some relationship is a good candidate for a bridge or a facade; this is not specific to object-oriented thought, this is related to what a specific language's constructs afford.

5楼-- · 2019-01-31 02:21

I have found that a very intense way learning to train abstraction in programming is to build a OOP library with a defined functionality, and then to implement two projects with similar but still different requirements that are building on that library, at the same time.

This is very time-consuming and you need to have learned the basics of OOP first (S.Lott has some great links in the other answer). Constant refactoring and lots of "Doh!" moments are the rule; but I found this a great way to learn modular programming because everything I did was immediately noticeable in the implementation of one of the projects.

6楼-- · 2019-01-31 02:27

The hard part of OO is which stuff should be put together into one object. As you already mentioned the evolution of your source code, here you have a simple guideline on how to evolve your source code towards an OO design:

"Put stuff together that changes together."

When two pieces of code have similar change velocities, that's a hint that they should be placed in the same object. When the change velocities are different, consider placing them in different objects.

This is also known as "Change Velocity".

If you follow that guideline your code will naturally evolve towards a good OO design. Why?

Fragments of code often have similar change velocities if they access a common representation. Every time the representation changes, all the pieces of code that use it must change at once. This is part of the reason we use objects as modules to encapsulate representation. Separating interface from implementation makes sense under this guideline too - the implementation changing more often and thus having a higher change velocity.

If a class has a stable part and an unstable part, that's a difference in change velocity that suggests moving the stable part to a (possibly abstract) base class.

Similarly, if a class has two parts which change equally often but at different times or in different directions (that is to say, for different reasons), then that again suggests refactoring the class.

Sometimes replace "class" with "method". For example, if one line of a method is likely to change more often than the rest - perhaps it is the line which creates a new object instance and contains the name of its class - consider moving it to its own routine. Then subclasses can easily effect their change by overriding it.

I came across this concept on C2 wiki many years ago, but I've rarely seen it used since. I find it very useful. It expresses some crucial underlying motivation of object oriented design. Of course, it's therefore blindingly obvious.

These are changes of the program. There is another sense of change velocity - you don't want instance variables changing at different rate, or rather that is a sign of potential problems. For example, in a graphics editor you shouldn't keep the figures and the handles in the same collection, because the figures change once a minute or once an hour and the handles change once a second or once a minute.

In a somewhat larger view, you want a system to be able to change fast enough to keep up with the changes in the business.

PS: the other principle that you should follow is "Law of Demeter", that is, an object should only talk to its friends. Friends are: yourself, instance variables, parameters, locals, and members of friendly collections - but not globals and static variables.

7楼-- · 2019-01-31 02:33

I think you should convince yourself by researching all of the downsides with procedural programming, for example (some buzzwords following, watch out): scope, state ... practically you'd be able to extract many terms just by reading examples of design patterns (read: common examples of using objects together.)

Stressing yourself into learning something you don't believe in won't get you anywhere. Start being really critical on your earlier work and refactor it to avoid copied code and using the global scope, and you'll find yourself wanting more.

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