How do i get out of the habit of procedural progra

2019-01-31 02:07发布

I'm hoping to get some tips to kinda help me break out of what i consider after all these years a bad habit of procedural programming. Every time i attempt to do a project in OOP i end up eventually reverting to procedural. I guess i'm not completely convinced with OOP (even though i think i've heard everything good about it!).

So i guess any good practical examples of common programming tasks that i often carry out such as user authentication/management, data parsing, CMS/Blogging/eComs are the kinda of things i do often, yet i haven't been able to get my head around how to do them in OOP and away from procedural, especially as the systems i build tend to work and work well.

One thing i can see as a downfall to my development, is that i do reuse my code often, and it often needs more rewrites and improvement, but i sometimes consider this as a natural evolution of my software development.

Yet i want to change! to my fellow programmers, help :) any tips on how i can break out of this nasty habbit?

\"骚年 ilove
2楼-- · 2019-01-31 02:08

I think it helps to first skim over some existing, decent, proven object-oriented code (e.g. Qt source code) so you can get a feel for "how it's done". After that, learning from a book or creating your own framework will be much more effective.

In general, it really helps to see things in context before reading about and practicing them, as it gives you moments to say to yourself, "Oh, that's why they did that!" At least that's how it works for me.

3楼-- · 2019-01-31 02:11

First, congrats on taking steps to learn something new! I hate it when developers decide to NOT evolve with technology.

As far as moving from procedural programming to OOP, I would say that one thing that you can do is take an existing app (as others have mentioned) and, before you even open a text editor, sit down and think about how each aspect of the application would be converted. I have found that more than half of OO programming is defining the conceptual objects in your mind first.

Again, I will agree with everyone's recommendations on design patterns. Specifically, I would look into the MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern as this one might be the easiest one to grasp. You have already written code, so you should be able to look at your existing applications and begin putting each part into the M,V or C categories.

Best of luck and have fun!

4楼-- · 2019-01-31 02:12

The only way to write better code is to write more code. Take a project you've implemented procedurally and convert it to OOP (assuming you're working in a language that supports both). You'll probably end up with a fragile, tightly coupled solution the first time around, but that's ok. Take the bad OOP implementation and start refactoring it into something better. Eventually, you'll figure out what works, and what doesn't.

When you're ready to take the next step, pick up a Design Patterns book and learn some of the OOP design terminology. This isn't strictly necessary, but it will give you a better grasp of some of the common problems and solutions.

5楼-- · 2019-01-31 02:13
  1. I believe that the mechanics of OOP seem completely arbitrary and make no sense until you read a book on design patterns and understand the "why" of it. I recommend Head First Design Patterns. I thought OOP was ridiculous and completely useless until I picked up this book and saw what it was actually good for.

  2. OO makes a lot more sense when you understand function pointers and how it relates to indirect function calls and late binding. Play around with function pointers in C, C++, or D for a little while and get a feel for what they're for and how they work. The polymorphism/virtual function part of OO is just another layer of abstraction on top of this.

  3. Procedural is the right tool for some jobs. Don't act like it's wrong. IMHO all three major paradigms (procedural, OO, functional) are valuable even at a fine-grained level, within a single module. I tend to prefer:

Procedural is good when my problem is simple (or I've already factored it enough with functional and OO that I now have a subproblem that I consider simple) and I want the most straightforward solution without a lot of abstraction getting in the way.

Object-oriented is good when my problem is more complex and has lots of state that makes sense in the context of the problem domain. In these cases the existence of state is not an implementation detail, but the exact representation is one that I prefer to abstract away.

Functional is good when my problem is complex but has no state that makes sense at the level of the problem domain. From the perspective of the problem domain, the existence of state is an implementation detail.

6楼-- · 2019-01-31 02:14

The OO mindset is based on principles that lie at a much more basic level than design patterns. Design patterns are somehow fashionable these days (and have been for a while), and they are useful, but they are just one more layer that you can put upon more basic stuff that you absolutely must learn and master if you want to do OO properly. In other words: you can do OO perfectly without design patterns. In fact, many of us did OO well before the phrase "design patterns" was even coined.

Now, there is stuff you can't do without. I suggest you start at the basics. Read and understand "Object-Oriented Software Construction" 2nd edition by Bertrand Meyer. It's probably the best book on OO programming around, both in width and depth. That is if you're interested in programming.

7楼-- · 2019-01-31 02:14


First, learn writing. Second, learn user experience and interaction design. Third, learn business analysis. Fourth, learn role modeling.

Now that you know what objects are, you will come to see that objects are not found in code. They are found at runtime; in the space between the machine and the user's mind. This is what object orientation really means. Unfortunately recent academia has twisted it into an engineering concept. Nothing could be further off the mark. And try as they might to emulate, the end result is crap. Why? Because the "OOP" paradigm as the industry knows it today is built on a fundamentally flawed idea: decompositional analysis of identity. How is this flawed? Because identity in and of itself is meaningless. It is void. In a mathematical sense, in a philosophical sense. This is not how a human being perceives and interacts with the world.

Canon: Alan Kay, Trygve Reenskaug, James (Jim) Coplien

How I wish I was in your position. :)

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