Title says it all. I am trying to add my NuGet packages to the repository. Everything but the .dll files are being detected.
The gitignore file contains no references to *.dll. The .dll files don't get recognized when located anywhere in the entire repository. info/exclude is also empty.
I have also cloned the repository (file-system to file-system as opposed from remote to file-sysytem) with no luck. This issue also happens on two different computers.
I could add the .dll files manually, but they should be tracked. Why are they not being tracked?
If you use SourceTree and the default setting it will ignore all DLLs by default... Tools=>Options=>Git then "Edit File"... add a "#" before .dll => "#.dll" ... save and close.
Then for Windows Explorer in your packages folder in open a GitBash terminal and type "git add ." and let it work, back into SourceTree wait a second and all those missing package DLLs will show up for you to commit and push.