I'm making an application in Xamarin forms but I have some trouble sticking a layout to the bottom of the device. I thought an AbsoluteLayout would work, but I cannot grasp how it works. So I made a RelativeLayout which I filled with the elements I wanted to fill but now I cannot seem to get it working on sticking to the bottom of the device at all time.
Below is a screenshot to make things hopefully a little bit more clear. I have a stacklayout which I fill with the headerlayout and the contentlayout. But if I just add the footerlayout to the stacklayout, it will not be sticked to the bottom of the page but (logically) just behind the previous child. Now I think an Absolutelayout would do the trick, but I cannot seem to grasp the functionality and the Layoutflags and bounds of it. Could someone help me out?
Within a RelativeLayout I got the best results with defining the Height- and Y-Constraint.
I figured it out:
I used a StackLayout, which contains the three main Childeren
And then you should add the header as a AbsoluteLayout and remember to use the:
And for the main grid or the main content, you should use a grid inside a StackLayout, so that you're sure that the layout is vertical (Orientation, is the right one to use here).
And do the same thing for the footer and i guess you're good to go
Have you figured it out yet? If not, there is a few ways you could accomplish this: Note that i've got the same problem my self, but this is my theory:
So that you could have a StackLayout in which you populate it with three "main childeren". The first could be a absolute or relative layout (I don't know the difference that well yet). In theory you should be able to add a element to the absolute layout and then add elements on top of the first element, because absolute layout uses a z-index, which works like layers in photoshop. So in other words do it like this:
Then you should do the same thing with the footer and remember to add topAbsoluteLayout to the Childeren in the StackLayout.
I hope this helps you out
Make sure to have no more than one child with
options for best performance.You can use VerticalOptions to send layout to bottom.
Here's a class I use to automate this. There's plenty of additions you can make by extending the class to having a scrollable center section (so it doesn't overlap the bottom if too long) etc!
Then to use this as a page, for example: