I have been trying to learn Yii without luck. I find Zend Framework, Kohana, Code Igniter among other frameworks much easier to learn than Yii. The documentation also su**s. Can you post links to easy-to-understand and well written tutorials/articles? The official documentation is filled with grammar errors and seems to be rushed...
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Also, don't forget the "Definitive Guide to Yii". I found that after I started developing my app (basing all of the code on the blog tutorial), most of the things I got stuck on were further explained in the Guide.
Also, don't forget to contribute your questions/suggestions to the community - it will only become more robust with more people banging away at it...
an ongoing, and up-to-date wiki article on this subject can be found here: http://www.yiiframework.com/wiki/268/how-to-learn-yii