How can I change the action bar search view hint text colour?
This question explains how to get the EditText when using ABS: Android ActionBar Customize Search View
Is there a I could use to get a reference to the EditText so I could change the hint colour? Or is there some other way to change the colour?
By using this you can change the Searchable xml
Here is drawable/search_plate.xml
If you want to change left arrow button in search view, add app:collapseIcon.
If you want to change text color and text hint color, add the following.
If you want to change close icon, add the following.
The solution to change color of Search View Hint Text is :
android:actionBarWidgetTheme of your main theme should point to a style that has a android:textColorHint in it. That one will allow changing the hint text color of the search view.
Put this in your XML file: