I feel silly for having to ask this. I've got an application to a point where I want to send someone a beta to test on their machine, but I don't know how to get Xcode to produce a .app
file for me to send to them. Help?
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The file “
.app” couldn’t be opened becaus - How do I set compatible devices to only ARKit comp
to get to the .app application you have to go into the folder where you created it into build the your app will be there
the app is generally under your
depending on which configuration of build you did or want to send.
This has changed in Xcode 4.
Now Apps can be exported from the "Organizer"
If you haven't already, you need to create an
.On the menu go to
Product -> Archive
Once you're in the
Organizer - Archives
screen clickShare
(Xcode 4.3.3 or newer)Then choose the format you want to export.