I'm looking for an image hosting website that'll allow me to upload images onto their servers from my own website using an API. I like Imgur.com's API but I'm looking for alternatives.
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Spent half day to get imageshack worked but no luck. Tried upload image with apache htt client, but always got various errors, though upload works from html page.
Then I found http://uploads.im/apidocs - no limits except 10 mb size, easy to use.
Imageshack - see http://reg.imageshack.us/content.php?page=developerpublic (and http://code.google.com/p/imageshackapi/ )
Its still in development but Droplr has an API too: http://help.droplr.com/customer/portal/articles/1014091-introduction
Ospry is a new service that's great for this: https://ospry.io
Try https://cloudinary.com/ APIs. I used it in for iOS application.
Flickr has an API. I've never tried to use it, but it seems very well-documented.