I want to write a code in python to solve a sudoku puzzle. Do you guys have any idea about a good algorithm for this purpose. I read somewhere in net about a algorithm which solves it by filling the whole box with all possible numbers, then inserts known values into the corresponding boxes.From the row and coloumn of known values the known value is removed.If you guys know any better algorithm than this please help me to write one. Also I am confused that how i should read the known values from the user. It is really hard to enter the values one by one through console. Any easy way for this other than using gui?
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Here is my sudoku solver in python. It uses simple backtracking algorithm to solve the puzzle. For simplicity no input validations or fancy output is done. It's the bare minimum code which solves the problem.
It takes 9X9 grid partially filled with numbers. A cell with value 0 indicates that it is not filled.
Testing the code
The above one is very basic backtracking algorithm which is explained at many places. But the most interesting and natural of the sudoku solving strategies I came across is this one from here
Not gonna write full code, but I did a sudoku solver a long time ago. I found that it didn't always solve it (the thing people do when they have a newspaper is incomplete!), but now think I know how to do it.
Here is a much faster solution based on hari's answer. The basic difference is that we keep a set of possible values for cells that don't have a value assigned. So when we try a new value, we only try valid values and we also propagate what this choice means for the rest of the sudoku. In the propagation step, we remove from the set of valid values for each cell the values that already appear in the row, column, or the same block. If only one number is left in the set, we know that the position (cell) has to have that value.
This method is known as forward checking and look ahead (http://ktiml.mff.cuni.cz/~bartak/constraints/propagation.html).
The implementation below needs one iteration (calls of solve) while hari's implementation needs 487. Of course my code is a bit longer. The propagate method is also not optimal.
I wrote a simple program that solved the easy ones. It took its input from a file which was just a matrix with spaces and numbers. The datastructure to solve it was just a 9 by 9 matrix of a bit mask. The bit mask would specify which numbers were still possible on a certain position. Filling in the numbers from the file would reduce the numbers in all rows/columns next to each known location. When that is done you keep iterating over the matrix and reducing possible numbers. If each location has only one option left you're done. But there are some sudokus that need more work. For these ones you can just use brute force: try all remaining possible combinations until you find one that works.
I also wrote a Sudoku solver in Python. It is a backtracking algorithm too, but I wanted to share my implementation as well.
Backtracking can be fast enough given that it is moving within the constraints and is choosing cells wisely. You might also want to check out my answer in this thread about optimizing the algorithm. But here I will focus on the algorithm and code itself.
The gist of the algorithm is to start iterating the grid and making decisions what to do - populate a cell, or try another digit for the same cell, or blank out a cell and move back to the previous cell, etc. It's important to note that there is no deterministic way to know how many steps or iterations you will need to solve the puzzle. Therefore, you really have two options - to use a while loop or to use recursion. Both of them can continue iterating until a solution is found or until a lack of solution is proven. The advantage of the recursion is that it is capable of branching out and generally supports more complex logics and algorithms, but the disadvantage is that it is more difficult to implement and often tricky to debug. For my implementation of the backtracking I have used a while loop because no branching is needed, the algorithm searches in a single-threaded linear fashion.
The logic goes like this:
While True: (main iterations)
While True: (backtrack iterations)
Some features of the algorithm:
it keeps a record of the visited cells in the same order so that it can backtrack at any time
it keeps a record of choices for each cell so that it doesn't try the same digit for the same cell twice
the available choices for a cell are always within the Sudoku constraints (row, column and 3x3 quadrant)
this particular implementation has a few different methods of choosing the next cell and the next digit depending on input parameters (more info in the optimization thread)
if given a blank grid, then it will generate a valid Sudoku puzzle (use with optimization parameter "C" in order to generate random grid every time)
if given a solved grid it will recognize it and print a message
The full code is:
Example call using the world's hardest Sudoku as per this article http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/science/science-news/9359579/Worlds-hardest-sudoku-can-you-crack-it.html
And example output is: