In html, a form with multipart data:
<form action="@routes.Files.upload" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="hidden" name="groupId" value="1" />
<input type="hidden" name="tagId" value="2" />
<input type="file" name="file"/>
<input type="submit" value="upload it"/>
How to write the action Files upload
I know how to get a uploaded file:
request.body.file("file") map {
filepart => filepart.ref.moveTo(newFile);
And how to get submitted inputs:
Form(tuple("groupId" -> text, "tagId" -> text)).bindFromRequest.fold(
errors => ...,
params => ....
But how to combine them together?
I don't find a suitable type for file
can be used in Form(tuple(...))
, and neither a way to get input value in request.body
This answer is for Java, but you should be able to adapt it to Scala fairly easily.
What you need to do is define a Model for all the fields in your form except the file. Then use the file-upload API as normal to retrieve the file.
For example, this is what I did:
The Form (in upload.scala.html):
The Model (models/
The Controller (controllers/
I hope this helps.
An example in Scala where the form field is required:
I was uploading a file using angular, with other form parameters. I created mine as below and it works.
Angular Function
Play 2.1 Controller
Another example how to do this can be this:
Dont forget to name the file, because you might end up wondering what went wrong.