I am triggering a background fetch by using the content-available
flag on a push notification. I have the fetch
and remote-notification
Here is the implementation I am using in my AppDelegate.m:
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didReceiveRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary *)userInfo fetchCompletionHandler:(void (^)(UIBackgroundFetchResult))completionHandler
NSLog(@"Remote Notification Recieved");
UILocalNotification *notification = [[UILocalNotification alloc] init];
notification.alertBody = @"Looks like i got a notification - fetch thingy";
[application presentLocalNotificationNow:notification];
When the app is running in the background, it works fine. (The notification is received and the app triggered the "looks like i got a notification" local notification, as the code above should do).
However, when the app is not running and a push notification is received with the content-available
flag, the app is not launched and the didRecieveRemoteNotification
delegate method is never called.
The WWDC Video Whats New With Multitasking (#204 from WWDC 2013) shows this:
It says that the application is "launched into background" when a push notification is received with the content-available
Why is my app not launching into the background?
So the real question is:
Will iOS perform background tasks after the user has force-quit the app?
Actually if you need to test background fetch you need to enable one option in scheme:
Another way how you can test it:
Here is full information about this new feature: http://www.objc.io/issue-5/multitasking.html
I've been trying different variants of this for days, and I thought for a day I had it re-launching the app in the background, even when the user swiped to kill, but no I can't replicate that behavior.
It's unfortunate that the behavior is quite different than before. On iOS 6, if you killed the app from the jiggling icons, it would still get re-awoken on SLC triggers. Now, if you kill by swiping, that doesn't happen.
It's a different behavior, and the user, who would continue to get useful information from our app if they had killed it on iOS 6, now will not.
We need to nudge our users to re-open the app now if they have swiped to kill it and are still expecting some of the notification behavior that we used to give them. I'm worried this won't be obvious to users when they swipe an app away. They may, after all, be basically cleaning up or wanting to rearrange the apps that are shown minimized.
You can change your target's launch settings in "Manage Scheme" to
Wait for <app>.app to be launched manually
, which allows you debug by setting a breakpoint inapplication: didReceiveRemoteNotification: fetchCompletionHandler:
and sending the push notification to trigger the background launch.I'm not sure it'll solve the issue, but it may assist you with debugging for now.
This might help you
Source: https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/iPhone/Conceptual/iPhoneOSProgrammingGuide/BackgroundExecution/BackgroundExecution.html
You can achieve this using the new PushKit framework, introduced in iOS 8. Though PushKit is used for VoIP. So your usage should be for VoIP related otherwise there is risk of app rejection. (See this answer).
The documentation has been clarified for iOS8. The documentation can be read here. Here is a relevant excerpt:
Although this was not made clear by the WWDC video, a quick search on the developer forums turned this up:
https://devforums.apple.com/message/873265#873265 (login required)
That post was by an Apple employee so I think i can trust that this information is correct.
So it looks like when the app is killed from the app switcher (by swiping up), the app will never be launched, even for scheduled background fetches.
The answer is YES, but shouldn't use 'Background Fetch' or 'Remote notification'. PushKit is the answer you desire.
In summary, PushKit, the new framework in ios 8, is the new push notification mechanism which can silently launch your app into the background with no visual alert prompt even your app was killed by swiping out from app switcher, amazingly you even cannot see it from app switcher.
PushKit reference from Apple:
To deploy this new feature, please refer to this tutorial: https://zeropush.com/guide/guide-to-pushkit-and-voip - I've tested it on my device and it works as expected.