I am looking for a bells and whistles CSS framework. I have found a number online that deal with "grids", and some that deal with "typography" and others that deal with "resetting".
What I have not found is something that will give my web applications a consistent reusable style or theme.
I guess it would have to have a number of predefined elements that do things, for example:
div.boxed {...}
And then a number of themes or plugins that provide these in a consistent way. Javascript toolkits like ExtJS, YUI, and also GWT have their own skinability, and I guess this is the featureset that I want, but independent of any Javascript library.
(Open source would be best, but we don't mind paying)
Edit: 5 good answers, but I have seen all those frameworks, and they are not enough of what I am looking for. Perhaps what I am looking for doesn't exist. Or I haven't explained properly. I will give them a good going over and see.
Just use YUI Grids, it's as good as it gets :P
960gs is good for layouts.
Compass really changes things for you.
In addition to providing everything from grids to mixins like horizontal-list, it's built on top of SASS so you get stuff like reuse and variables and other such things.
It makes things you don't even realize are painful pain-free. Definitely worth looking over.
Emastic lightweight, em based, fluid and fixed columns.