I am looking into improving my programming skils (actually I try to do my best to suck less each year, as our Jeff Atwood put it), so I was thinking into reading stuff about metaprogramming and self explanatory code.
I am looking for something like an idiot's guide to this (free books for download, online resources). Also I want more than your average wiki page and also something language agnostic or preferably with Java examples.
Do you know of such resources that will allow to efficiently put all of it into practice (I know experience has a lot to say in all of this but i kind of want to build experience avoiding the flow bad decisions - experience - good decisions)?
Something of the likes of this example from the Pragmatic Programmer:
...implement a mini-language to control a simple drawing package... The language consists of single-letter commands. Some commands are followed by a single number. For example, the following input would draw a rectangle:
P 2 # select pen 2
D # pen down
W 2 # draw west 2cm
N 1 # then north 1
E 2 # then east 2
S 1 # then back south
U # pen up
Thank you!
Tcl started out as a way of making domain-specific languages that didn't suck as they grew in complexity to the point where they needed to get generic programming capabilities. Moreover, it remains very easy to add in your own commands precisely because that's still an important use-case for the language.
If you're wanting an implementation integrated with Java, Jacl is an implementation of Tcl in Java which provides scriptability focussed towards DSLs and also access to access any Java object.
(Metaprogramming is writing programs that write programs. Some languages do it far more than others. To pick up on a few specific cases, Lisp is the classic example of a language that does a lot of metaprogramming; C++ tends to relegate it to templates rather that permitting it at runtime; scripting languages all tend to find metaprogramming easier because their implementations are written to be more flexible that way, though that's just a matter of degree..)
Welcome to the wonderful world of meta-programming :) Meta programming relates actually to many things. I will try to list what comes to my mind:
Macro. The ability to extend the syntax and semantics of a programming language was explored first under the terminology macro. Several languages have constructions which resemble to macro, but the piece of choice is of course Lisp. If you are interested in meta-programming, understanding Lisp and the macro system (and the homoiconic nature of the languge where code and data have the same representation) is definitively a must. If you want a Lisp dialect that runs on the JVM, go for Clojure. A few resources:
There is otherwise plenty of resource about Lisp.
DSL. The ability to extend one language syntax and semantics is now rebranded under the term "DSL". The easiest way to create a DSL is with the interpreter pattern. Then come internal DSL with fluent interface and external DSL (as per Fowler's terminology). Here is a nice video I watched recently:
The other answers already pointed to resources in this area.
Reflection. Meta-programming is also inseparable form reflection. The ability to reflect on the program structure at run-time is immensely powerful. It's important then to understand what introspection, intercession and reification are. IMHO, reflection permits two broad categories of things: 1. the manipulation of data whose structure is not known at compile time (the structure of the data is then provided at run-time and the program stills works reflectively). 2. powerful programming patterns such as dynamic proxy, factories, etc. Smalltalk is the piece of choice to explore reflection, where everything is reflective. But I think Ruby is also a good candidate for that, with a community that leverage meta programming (but I don't know much about Ruby myself).
There is also a rich literature on reflection.
Annotations. Annotations could be seen as a subset of the reflective capabilities of a language, but I think it deserves its own category. I already answered once what annotations are and how they can be used. Annotations are meta-data that can be processed at compile-time or at run-time. Java has good support for it with the annotation processor tool, the Pluggable Annotation Processing API, and the mirror API.
Byte-code or AST transformation. This can be done at compile-time or at run-time. This is somehow are low-level approach but can also be considered a form of meta-programming (In a sense, it's the same as macro for non-homoiconic language.)
Conclusion: Meta-programming is the ability for a program to reason about itself or to modify itself. Just like meta stack overflow is the place to ask question about stack overflow itself. Meta-programming is not one specific technique, but rather an ensemble of concepts and techniques.
Several things fall under the umbrella of meta-programming. From your question, you seem more interested in the macro/DSL part. But everything is ultimately related, so the other aspects of meta-programming are also definitively worth looking at.
PS: I know that most of the links I've provided are not tutorials, or introductory articles. These are resources that I like which describe the concept and the advantages of meta-programming, which I think is more interesting
From your example, it seems you are talking about domain specific languages (DSLs), specifically, Internal DSLs.
Here is a large list of books about DSL in general (about DSLs like SQL).
Martin Fowler has a book that is a work in progress and is currently online.
Ayende wrote a book about DSLs in boo.
Update: (following comments)
Metaprogramming is about creating programs that control other programs (or their data), sometimes using a DSL. In this respect, batch files and shell scripts can be considered to be metaprogramming as they invoke and control other programs.
The example you have shows a DSL that may be used by a metaprogram to control a painting program.
Well, in the Java ecosystem, i think the simplest way to implement a mini-language is to use scripting languages, like Groovy or Ruby (yes, i know, Ruby is not a native citizen of the java ecosystem). Both offer rather good DSL specification mechanism, that will allow you to do that with far more simplicity than the Java language would :
There are however pure Java laternatives, but I think they'll be a little harder to implement.
You can have a look at the eclipse modeling project, they've got support for meta-models.
There's a course on Pluralsight about Metaprogramming which might be a good entry point https://app.pluralsight.com/library/courses/understanding-metaprogramming/table-of-contents