I'm currently trying ElementTree and it looks fine, it escapes HTML entities and so on and so forth. Am I missing something truly wonderful I haven't heard of?
This is similar to what I'm actually doing:
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
root = ET.Element('html')
head = ET.SubElement(root,'head')
script = ET.SubElement(head,'script')
script.text = "var a = 'I love á letters'"
body = ET.SubElement(root,'body')
h1 = ET.SubElement(body,'h1')
h1.text = "And I like the fact that 3 > 1"
tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
# more foo.xhtml
<html><head><script type="text/javascript">var a = 'I love &aacute;
letters'</script></head><body><h1>And I like the fact that 3 > 1</h1>
For anyone encountering this now, there's actually a way to do this hidden away in Python's standard library in xml.sax.utils.XMLGenerator. Here's an example of it in action:
I assume that you're actually creating an XML DOM tree, because you want to validate that what goes into this file is valid XML, since otherwise you'd just write a static string to a file. If validating your output is indeed your goal, then I'd suggest
This lets you just write the XML you want to output, validate that it's correct (since parseString will raise an exception if it's invalid) and have your code look much nicer.
Presumably you're not just writing the same static XML every time and want some substitution. In this case I'd have lines like
and then use the % operator to do the substitution, like
Try http://uche.ogbuji.net/tech/4suite/amara. It is quite complete and has a straight forward set of access tools. Normal Unicode support, etc.
Another way is using the E Factory builder from lxml (available in Elementtree too)
There's always SimpleXMLWriter, part of the ElementTree toolkit. The interface is dead simple.
Here's an example:
I ended up using saxutils.escape(str) to generate valid XML strings and then validating it with Eli's approach to be sure I didn't miss any tag