My app is designed to track user's location periodically and send it to server, Recently I changed my code with Google play services Location API.
I created the locationclient and connected to the service in onStartCommand
public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
if(!mLocationClient.isConnected() || !mLocationClient.isConnecting())
and in onConnected method, I send a location request,
public void onConnected(Bundle arg0) {
System.out.println("Connected ...");
mLocationClient.requestLocationUpdates(REQUEST, this);
The REQUEST object is,
private static final LocationRequest REQUEST = LocationRequest.create()
.setInterval(5*60*1000) // 5 minutes
.setFastestInterval(3*60*1000) // 3 minutes
Now the issue is,
- the onLocationChanged method is not getting called at the given interval i.e 5 minutes or the fastest interval 3 minutes. From the log I could see, its getting called only twice or thrice after that its not getting called at all ( I checked after 1 hour).
What is the issue with my above code?. ( I couldnt see any log for 'disconnected' also)
- To solve this, I tried to use alarmmanager to call the task periodically. Now how to get a single location update through Locationclient from a broadcastreceiver. (locationclient.getLastlocation() only return last stored location but it is not requesting a new location)
Full source code for a background service available here:
Try adding the super call to your onStartCommand.