Okay, so I got jQuery to get along with MooTools with one script, by adding this at the top of the jQuery script:
var $j = jQuery.noConflict();
and then replacing every:
But how would you get MooTools to like the following script that using jQuery??
Thanks in advance for any input,
//Fade In Content Viewer: By JavaScript Kit: http://www.javascriptkit.com
var fadecontentviewer={
csszindex: 100,
fade:function($allcontents, togglerid, selected, speed){
var selected=parseInt(selected)
var $togglerdiv=$("#"+togglerid)
var $target=$allcontents.eq(selected)
if ($target.length==0){ //if no content exists at this index position (ie: stemming from redundant pagination link)
alert("No content exists at page number "+selected+"!")
if ($togglerdiv.attr('lastselected')==null || parseInt($togglerdiv.attr('lastselected'))!=selected){
var $toc=$("#"+togglerid+" .toc")
var $selectedlink=$toc.eq(selected)
$("#"+togglerid+" .next").attr('nextpage', (selected<$allcontents.length-1)? selected+1+'pg' : 0+'pg')
$("#"+togglerid+" .prev").attr('previouspage', (selected==0)? $allcontents.length-1+'pg' : selected-1+'pg')
$target.css({zIndex: this.csszindex++, visibility: 'visible'})
$togglerdiv.attr('lastselected', selected+'pg')
setuptoggler:function($allcontents, togglerid, speed){
var $toc=$("#"+togglerid+" .toc")
$(this).attr('pagenumber', index+'pg')
var $next=$("#"+togglerid+" .next")
var $prev=$("#"+togglerid+" .prev")
fadecontentviewer.fade($allcontents, togglerid, $(this).attr('nextpage'), speed)
return false
fadecontentviewer.fade($allcontents, togglerid, $(this).attr('previouspage'), speed)
return false
fadecontentviewer.fade($allcontents, togglerid, $(this).attr('pagenumber'), speed)
return false
init:function(fadeid, contentclass, togglerid, selected, speed){
var faderheight=$("#"+fadeid).height()
var $fadecontents=$("#"+fadeid+" ."+contentclass)
$fadecontents.css({top: 0, left: 0, height: faderheight, visibility: 'hidden'})
fadecontentviewer.setuptoggler($fadecontents, togglerid, speed)
setTimeout(function(){fadecontentviewer.fade($fadecontents, togglerid, selected, speed)}, 100)
$(window).bind('unload', function(){ //clean up
$("#"+togglerid+" .toc").unbind('click')
$("#"+togglerid+" .next", "#"+togglerid+" .prev").unbind('click')
and it should work.When you have jQuery specific code that is using
, the simplest way is to wrap the code with the following:See the second example on noConflict documentation.
I don't know about a compatibility mode provided by MooTools, but an easy way should be to replace all occurrences of
in the script by$j(