I can't find any thorough explanation of the Ivy dependency tag's conf attribute:
<dependency org="hibernate" name="hibernate" rev="3.1.3" conf="runtime, standalone -> runtime(*)"/>
See that conf attribute? I can't find any explanation (that I can understand) about the right hand side of the ->
symbol. PLEASE keep in mind I don't know the first thing about Maven so please explain this attribute with that consideration.
Yes, I've already looked at this: http://ant.apache.org/ivy/history/latest-milestone/ivyfile/dependency.html
First of all, Ivy is not Maven ;)
Maven2 is a software project management and comprehension tool, whereas Ivy is only a dependency management tool.
Ivy heavily relies on a unique concept called configuration.
In Ivy, a module configuration is a way to use or to see the module.
For instance, you can have a test and runtime configuration in your module. But you can also have a MySQL and an Oracle configuration. Or an Hibernate and a JDBC configuration.
In each configuration, you can declare:
So the conf attribute does precisely that: Describes a configuration mapping for a dependency.
The mapped child element is your "right hand side of the
symbol" and represents the name of the dependency configuration mapped.'*'
wildcard can be used to designate all configurations of this module.Maven2 on its side has something called the scope.
You can declare a dependency as being part of the test scope, or the buildtime scope.
Then depending on this scope you will get the dependency artifact (only one artifact per module in maven2) with its dependencies depending on their scope. Scopes are predefined in maven2 and you can't change that.
That means :
The problem is that hibernate can be used with several cache implementations, several connection pool implementation, ... And this can't be managed with scopes, wheres Ivy configurations offers an elegant solution to this kind of problem.
For instance, in Ivy, assuming hibernate has an Ivy file like this one, then you can declare a dependency like that:
to get hibernate with its proxool and oscache implementations, and like that:
to get hibernate with dbcp and swarmcache.
By mapping your default
configuration to "proxool,oscache
" or to "dbcp,swarmcache
", you specify what you need exactly from the module "hibernate".You can find those "proxool,..." arguments by listing the Ivy configuration defined for each modules associate with the library. For instance:
Thanks VonC!
It helped me alot further.
When it comes to options (configurations) tieTYT, you can find them in the ivy-[revision number].xml file in your Ivy repository under: organization name --> module name.
An example configurations element from the JUnit 4.6 revision downloaded from http://www.springsource.com/repository/app/.
In my project's ivy.xml file, I have a configuration compile-test. In the dependencies element I have the following dependency:
As you can see, my compile-test configuration depends on the compile configuration in the JUnit's ivy.xml file.
I've read these answers and quite frankly I don't find them very helpful. I think they could be improved so I wrote down how I use and understand configurations by showing a practical example:
Unfortunately, you have to understand a little about maven and its dependencies because Ivy is using Maven repositories to pull down those jar files so Ivy has to understand Maven and it passes that buck to you. But, I think I kept it real simple without going into too much detail about maven.
It helped me once to understand things this way: