Is there a way to delete all the data from a topic or delete the topic before every run?
Can I modify the KafkaConfig.scala file to change the logRetentionHours
property? Is there a way the messages gets deleted as soon as the consumer reads it?
I am using producers to fetch the data from somewhere and sending the data to a particular topic where a consumer consumes, can I delete all the data from that topic on every run? I want only new data every time in the topic. Is there a way to reinitialize the topic somehow?
In manually deleting a topic from a kafka cluster , you just might check this out A vital step missed a lot in most solution is in deleting the
in ZK.All data about topics and its partitions are stored in
. Moreover they are stored in a formattopic-partionNumber
, so if you want to delete a topicnewTopic
, you can:rm -rf /tmp/kafka-logs/newTopic-*
Below are scripts for emptying and deleting a Kafka topic assuming localhost as the zookeeper server and Kafka_Home is set to the install directory:
The script below will empty a topic by setting its retention time to 1 second and then removing the configuration:
To fully delete topics you must stop any applicable kafka broker(s) and remove it's directory(s) from the kafka log dir (default: /tmp/kafka-logs) and then run this script to remove the topic from zookeeper. To verify it's been deleted from zookeeper the output of ls /brokers/topics should no longer include the topic:
We tried pretty much what the other answers are describing with moderate level of success. What really worked for us (Apache Kafka 0.8.1) is the class command
sh kafka.admin.DeleteTopicCommand --topic yourtopic --zookeeper localhost:2181