I'd like to allow a user to set up an SSH tunnel to a particular machine on a particular port (say, 5000), but I want to restrict this user as much as possible. (Authentication will be with public/private keypair).
I know I need to edit the relevant ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file, but I'm not sure exactly what content to put in there (other than the public key).
On Ubuntu 11.10, I found I could block ssh commands, sent with and without -T, and block scp copying, while allowing port forwarding to go through.
Specifically I have a redis-server on "somehost" bound to localhost:6379 that I wish to share securely via ssh tunnels to other hosts that have a keyfile and will ssh in with:
This will cause the redis-server, "localhost" port 6379 on "somehost" to appear locally on the host executing the ssh command, remapped to "localhost" port 16379.
On the remote "somehost" Here is what I used for authorized_keys:
The no-pty trips up most ssh attempts that want to open a terminal.
The permitopen explains what ports are allowed to be forwarded, in this case port 6379 the redis-server port I wanted to forward.
The command="/bin/echo do-not-send-commands" echoes back "do-not-send-commands" if someone or something does manage to send commands to the host via ssh -T or otherwise.
From a recent Ubuntu
man sshd
, authorized_keys / command is described as follows:Attempts to use scp secure file copying will also fail with an echo of "do-not-send-commands" I've found sftp also fails with this configuration.
I think the restricted shell suggestion, made in some previous answers, is also a good idea. Also, I would agree that everything detailed here could be determined from reading "man sshd" and searching therein for "authorized_keys"
Besides authorized_keys option like no-X11-forwarding, there actually is exactly one you are asking for: permitopen="host:port". By using this option, the user may only set up a tunnel to the specified host and port.
For the details of the AUTHORIZED_KEYS file format refer to man sshd.
Here you have a nice post that I found useful: http://www.ab-weblog.com/en/creating-a-restricted-ssh-user-for-ssh-tunneling-only/
The idea is: (with the new restricted username as "sshtunnel")
Note that we use rbash (restricted-bash) to restrict what the user can do: the user cannot cd (change directory) and cannot set any environment variables.
Then we edit the user's PATH env variable in
to nothing - a trick that will make bash not find any commands to execute:Finally we disallow the user to edit any files by setting the following permissions:
My solution is to provide the user who only may be tunneling, without an interactive shell, to set that shell in /etc/passwd to /usr/bin/tunnel_shell.
Just create the executable file /usr/bin/tunnel_shell with an infinite loop.
Fully explained here: http://blog.flowl.info/2011/ssh-tunnel-group-only-and-no-shell-please/