I know that LDAP is used to provide some information and to help facilitate authorization.
But what are the other usages of LDAP?
I know that LDAP is used to provide some information and to help facilitate authorization.
But what are the other usages of LDAP?
LDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. Basically, it's a protocol used to access data from a database (or other source) and it's mostly suited for large numbers of queries and minimal updates (the sort of thing you would use for login information for example).
LDAP doesn't itself provide a database, just a means to query data in the database.
Well, there are LDAP servers and the LDAP protocol. Combined, it's a data store, or a database. It's not relational, but it's just a place to store data, and it's optimized to be efficient at reads more than writes. It doesn't support transactions.
Now, it happens to be very popular for storing credentials, but that's by no means its only purpose, and not its original purpose.
LDAP stands for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.It is used in Active Directory for communicating user queries..e.g.. LDAP can be used by users to search and locate a particular object like a laser printer in a domain.
Well, LDAP is a protocol(way) to access structured info. LDAP uses client-server model so, LDAP client makes request to access required info. LDAP server stores info not in relational way but in attribute and value pair. You can use LDAP to assign same privilege to group of user or same credential to access multiple services. For more details refer following link : http://www.zytrax.com/books/ldap/ch2/
I have had the opportunity to start a project for school about ldap, from scratch, but before getting to know what is ldap, I had to understand what is a directory, there are many (most used directories are novell and windows), here you can see what the directory in Wikipedia.
And ldap is the protocol to communicate with the board, one of the best books I've found is this one.
LDAP is also used to store your credentials in a network security system and retrieve it with your password and decrypted key giving you access to the services.