How do I change Oracle from port 8080? My Eclipse is using 8080, so I can't use that.
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as SYS/SYSTEM. Replace 8181 with the port you'd like changing to. Tested this with Oracle 10g.Source :
Just open
Run SQL Command Line
and login as sysadmin and then enter below commandThat's it. You are done.....
There are many Oracle components that run a web service, so it's not clear which you are referring to.
For example, the web site port for standalone OC4J is configured in the j2ee/home/config/default-web-site.xml file:
From Start | Run open a command window. Assuming your environmental variables are set correctly start with the following:
then open browser and use 3010 port.
I assume you're talking about the Apache server that Oracle installs. Look for the file httpd.conf.
Open this file in a text editor and look for the line
Listen 8080
Listen {ip address}:8080
Change the port number and either restart the web server or just reboot the machine.
From this blog post:
Update 8080 port to which port(9090 for example) you like
After changing the port, when we start Oracle it will go on port 8080, we should type manually new port(9090) in the address bar to run Oracle XE.