Parse Delimited CSV in .NET

2019-01-03 02:50发布

I have a text file that is in a comma separated format, delimited by " on most fields. I am trying to get that into something I can enumerate through (Generic Collection, for example). I don't have control over how the file is output nor the character it uses for the delimiter.

In this case, the fields are separated by a comma and text fields are enclosed in " marks. The problem I am running into is that some fields have quotation marks in them (i.e. 8" Tray) and are accidentally being picked up as the next field. In the case of numeric fields, they don't have quotes around them, but they do start with a + or a - sign (depicting a positive/negative number).

I was thinking of a RegEx, but my skills aren't that great so hopefully someone can come up with some ideas I can try. There are about 19,000 records in this file, so I am trying to do it as efficiently as possible. Here are a couple of example rows of data:

"00","000000112260   ","Pie Pumpkin                             ","RET","6.99 ","     ","ea ",+0000000006.99000
"00","000000304078   ","Pie Apple caramel                       ","RET","9.99 ","     ","ea ",+0000000009.99000
"00","StringValue here","8" Tray of Food                             ","RET","6.99 ","     ","ea ",-00000000005.3200

There are a lot more fields, but you can get the picture....

I am using VB.NET and I have a generic List setup to accept the data. I have tried using CSVReader and it seems to work well until you hit a record like the 3rd one (with a quote in the text field). If I could somehow get it to handle the additional quotes, than the CSVReader option will work great.


2楼-- · 2019-01-03 03:04

You could give CsvHelper (a library I maintain) a try and it's available via NuGet. It follows the RFC 4180 standard for CSV. It will be able to handle any content inside of a field including commas, quotes, and new lines.

CsvHelper is simple to use, but it's also easy to configure it to work with many different types of delimited files.

CsvReader csv = new CsvReader( streamToFile );
IEnumerable<MyObject> myObjects = csv.GetRecords<MyObject>();

If you want to read CSV files on a lower level, you can use the parser directly, which will return each row as a string array.

var parser = new CsvParser( myTextReader );
while( true )
    string[] line = parser.ReadLine();
    if( line == null )
3楼-- · 2019-01-03 03:09

Try this site.

I've looked for a good utility and this is hands down the best that I've found and works correctly. Don't waste your time trying other stuff,this is free and it works.

4楼-- · 2019-01-03 03:12

I am posting this as an answer so I can explain how I did it and why.... The answer from Mitch Wheat was the one that gave me the best solution for this case and I just had to modify it slightly due to the format this data was exported in.

Here is the VB Code:

Dim fixedContents As String = Regex.Replace(
                            File.ReadAllText(csvFile, fileEncoding),
                            AddressOf ReplaceQuotes)

The RegEx that was used is what I needed to change because certain fields had non-escaped quotes in them and the RegEx provided didn't seem to work on all examples. This one uses 'Look Ahead' and 'Look Behind' to see if the quote is just after a comma or just before. In this case, they are both negative (meaning show me where the double quote is not before or after a comma). This should mean that the quote is in the middle of a string.

In this case, instead of doing a direct replacement, I am using the function ReplaceQuotes to handle that for me. The reason I am using this is because I needed a little extra logic to detect whether it was at the beginning of a line. If I would have spent even more time on it, I am sure I could have tweaked the RegEx to take into consideration the beginning of the line (using MultiLine, etc) but when I tried it quickly, it didn't seem to work at all.

With this in place, using CSV reader on a 32MB CSV file (about 19000 rows), it takes about 2 seconds to read the file, perform the regex, load it into the CSV Reader, add all the data to my generic class and finish. Real quick!!

5楼-- · 2019-01-03 03:13

As this link says... Don't roll your own CSV parser!

Use TextFieldParser as Avi suggested. Microsoft has already done this for you. If you ended up writing one, and you find a bug in it, consider replacing it instead of fixing the bug. I did just that recently and it saved me a lot of time.

6楼-- · 2019-01-03 03:15

The logic of this custom approach is: Read through file 1 line at a time, split each line on the comma, remove the first and last character (removing the outer quotes but not affecting any inside quotes), then adding the data to your generic list. It's short and very easy to read and work with.

        Dim fr As StreamReader = Nothing
        Dim FileString As String = ""
        Dim LineItemsArr() as String

        Dim FilePath As String = HttpContext.Current.Request.MapPath("YourFile.csv")

        fr = New System.IO.StreamReader(FilePath)

        While fr.Peek <> -1
            FileString = fr.ReadLine.Trim

            If String.IsNullOrEmpty(FileString) Then Continue While 'Empty Line

            LineItemsArr = FileString.Split(",")

            For Each Item as String In LineItemsArr
                'If every item will have a beginning and closing " (quote) then you can just
                'cut the first and last characters of the string here.
                'i.e.  UpdatedItems = Item. remove first and last character

                'Then stick the data into your Generic List (Of String()?)
        End While
7楼-- · 2019-01-03 03:15
        public static Encoding GetFileEncoding(String fileName)
        Encoding Result = null;
        FileInfo FI = new FileInfo(fileName);
        FileStream FS = null;

            FS = FI.OpenRead();
            Encoding[] UnicodeEncodings = { Encoding.BigEndianUnicode, Encoding.Unicode, Encoding.UTF8 };
            for (int i = 0; Result == null && i < UnicodeEncodings.Length; i++)
                FS.Position = 0;
                byte[] Preamble = UnicodeEncodings[i].GetPreamble();
                bool PreamblesAreEqual = true;
                for (int j = 0; PreamblesAreEqual && j < Preamble.Length; j++)
                    PreamblesAreEqual = Preamble[j] == FS.ReadByte();
                if (PreamblesAreEqual)
                    Result = UnicodeEncodings[i];
        catch (System.IO.IOException)
            if (FS != null)

        if (Result == null)
            Result = Encoding.Default;

        return Result;
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