I've got a record management web application which displays a master record on one screen and AJAXes dynamically built editors into an editor div, which I've used JQuery to make draggable. That works.
Even though the div isn't a window, I thought it might be a nice idea to make it act a bit more like one, so I coded in a "close" button. The structure looks like this:
<div id="editor">
<div id="draghandle" />
<div id="closebutton" />
<div id="editorbody" />
Editorbody is variable-dimension depending on what people are trying to enter.
Draghandle's width is set at 100% of editor. Closebutton is set up in CSS as float:right
My problem is that, in IE6 and IE7, the close button floats too far right. It's always against the right edge of the window, no matter where I drag the editor div around to. In Firefox and Safari it looks like I expected it to - the window is as wide as editorbody and closebutton sits in the top right corner.
I'm not particularly attached to float:right, just looking for a way to set up the CSS that'll give me the same result across all browsers. Any ideas?
Here's a mockup of what I'd like to do on jsbin (thanks, redsquare)
I'm working with legally sensitive information so I can't provide screenshots of the app. I have, however, taken some shots and blocked out the text and interface, leaving only the window structure.
For the record, what worked to fix this was changing the CSS for closebutton from
This produces proper results in IE, and with a little padding for the internal form fields there's no worry about overlap.
CSS hacks are needed sometimes:
for IE specific css hacks you can do something like:
Just make sure the asterisk and underscore hacks are placed after the normal (valid) css style.
You may want to consider just using a JQuery Dialog instead since its premade and the styles already work cross platform.