I have an array of bar buttons that I normally set with something like:
NSArray *leftButtonArray = [[NSArray alloc]initWithObjects: backBarButton, separator1,postBarButton, separator1, memeBarButton, separator1, pollBarButton, nil];
self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItems = leftButtonArray;
However, I want to change these buttons on the left to instead be center aligned. Anyone know how I can do that? Providing an example or using my buttons to do so would be a plus.
As I understand your problem it required to have some button to left, some on middle, and some on right with relative separator. Directly navigation will not provide to put button is middle, or in TitleView
You can set custom title view to the navigation bar like this way.
It will look like, THIS
May be this would help you.
HTH, Enjoy Coding !!