I have a complete command to deploy the xCode project on real device.
xcodebuild -workspace jamesAppV2.xcworkspace -scheme jamesAppV2 -configuration Debug -destination 'platform=iOS,name=Shujaat’s iPad' clean test
its working fine using the command line.
Todo: I wanted to execute this command via a shell script.
here is my complete shell script deploy.sh
so for.
#My First Script
#Info to be configured
echo "Searching for $jamesApp_workspace workspace..."
if [[ $(ls $jamesApp_workspace) ]]; then
echo "$jamesApp_workspace found in current directory."
echo "Listing all installed and connected devices..."
instruments -s devices
echo "Copy + Paste from above devices"
echo "specify name of your decice to launch $appName"
read d_device_name
echo "building workspace for $d_device_name..."
build_cmd=(xcodebuild -workspace jamesAppV2.xcworkspace -scheme jamesAppV2 -configuration Debug)
build_cmd+=(-destination "$destination" clean test)
echo "${build_cmd[@]}"
# Here it prints the valid command given above
echo "$jamesApp_workspace workspace not found"
echo "Make sure your current path contains the $jamesApp_workspace workspace"
echo "Place this file i.e deploy.sh within the directory containing $jamesApp_workspace workspace"
Problem: I have done like
build_cmd=(xcodebuild -workspace jamesAppV2.xcworkspace -scheme jamesAppV2 -configuration Debug)
build_cmd+=(-destination "$destination" clean test)
echo "${build_cmd[@]}" #Prints valid command
but gives error on execution
xcodebuild: error: option 'Destination' requires at least one parameter of the form 'key=value'
if I run the above command via command line its working perfectly but If I run this via shell script its not working.
I have referred I want to concatenate arguments of xcodebuild as string, which have space in it ,then run this command to concatenate the xcodebuild command
The shell removes the single quotes in the original command, therefore you should not have any when creating the array either.