I have to insert a directx control to a firebreath plug in for a browser. Can anyone post a sample how to do it? I have no knowledge in plugins...
I have to insert a directx control to a firebreath plug in for a browser. Can anyone post a sample how to do it? I have no knowledge in plugins...
I don't have an example that I can give you, but I can tell you roughly what you need to do.
First, read this: http://colonelpanic.net/2010/11/firebreath-tips-drawing-on-windows/
That will give you an overview of how drawing works in FireBreath.
First, you set everything up when handling AttachedEvent.
You need to do all initialization, drawing, and shutdown of the DirectX stuff on the same thread. This needs to all happen on a thread that is not just the main thread (don't just use timers) because otherwise it'll mess up the browser rendering context on some versions of Firefox -- not sure why.
Anyway, hope this helps.
Edit: To pass parameters into the start of a boost::thread, should that be the threading abstraction you decide to use, simply pass it in as a parameter.
That will start the thread. In actuality, you probably want to make the thread a class variable or something so that you can access it later -- remember that you'll want the thread to have stopped during the handling of DetachedEvent. For messages I'd probably use FB::SafeQueue, which is a threadsafe queue that is part of FireBreath. Look at the sources for how to use it; it's pretty straightforward (stolen from a codeproject article, I think).