How to compare UIColors?

2019-01-03 02:33发布

I'd like to check the color set for a background on a UIImageView. I've tried:

if(myimage.backgroundColor == [UIColor greenColor]){

but that doesn't work, even when I know the color is green, it always falls into the else part.

Also, is there a way to output the current color in the debug console.

p [myimage backgroundColor]


po [myimage backgroundColor]

don't work.

2楼-- · 2019-01-03 03:20

Some weird rounding errors can occur. That can be the reason a object set to a color and the color you set it to do not match exactly.

This is how I solved it:

private func compareColors (c1:UIColor, c2:UIColor) -> Bool{
    // some kind of weird rounding made the colors unequal so had to compare like this

    var red:CGFloat = 0
    var green:CGFloat  = 0
    var blue:CGFloat = 0
    var alpha:CGFloat  = 0
    c1.getRed(&red, green: &green, blue: &blue, alpha: &alpha)

    var red2:CGFloat = 0
    var green2:CGFloat  = 0
    var blue2:CGFloat = 0
    var alpha2:CGFloat  = 0
    c2.getRed(&red2, green: &green2, blue: &blue2, alpha: &alpha2)

    return (Int(green*255) == Int(green2*255))


This code can be improved by not only comparing 1 but comparing all the components. Eg red+green+blue+alpha == red2+green2+blue2+alpha2

3楼-- · 2019-01-03 03:21

This UIColor extension works fine provided that the compared colors can be converted into RGB format, which should be most of the cases.

public extension UIColor {

    static func == (l: UIColor, r: UIColor) -> Bool {
        var l_red = CGFloat(0); var l_green = CGFloat(0); var l_blue = CGFloat(0); var l_alpha = CGFloat(0)
        guard l.getRed(&l_red, green: &l_green, blue: &l_blue, alpha: &l_alpha) else { return false }
        var r_red = CGFloat(0); var r_green = CGFloat(0); var r_blue = CGFloat(0); var r_alpha = CGFloat(0)
        guard r.getRed(&r_red, green: &r_green, blue: &r_blue, alpha: &r_alpha) else { return false }
        return l_red == r_red && l_green == r_green && l_blue == r_blue && l_alpha == r_alpha

At least with this extension:

UIColor.whiteColor == UIColor(hex: "#FFFFFF") // true == UIColor(red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0, alpha: 1) // true

Both comparisons would return false if compared using the native UColor.isEqual(...)

4楼-- · 2019-01-03 03:21
if([myimage.backgroundColor isEqual:[UIColor greenColor]])
小情绪 Triste *
5楼-- · 2019-01-03 03:22

I wrote this category. If isEqual: does return NO, it will test if further comparison of different components might still match. If possible, different models are still compared.

@implementation UIColor (Matching)

-(BOOL)matchesColor:(UIColor *)color error:(NSError *__autoreleasing *)error
    UIColor *lhs = self;
    UIColor *rhs = color;

    if([lhs isEqual:rhs]){ // color model and values are the same
        return YES;

    CGFloat red1, red2, green1, alpha1, green2, blue1, blue2, alpha2;
    BOOL lhsSuccess = [lhs getRed:&red1 green:&green1 blue:&blue1 alpha:&alpha1];
    BOOL rhsSuccess = [rhs getRed:&red2 green:&green2 blue:&blue2 alpha:&alpha2];
    if((!lhsSuccess && rhsSuccess) || (lhsSuccess && !rhsSuccess)){ // one is RGBA, one color not.
        CGFloat r,g,b,a;
        if(!lhsSuccess){ // lhs color could be a monochrome
            const CGFloat *components = CGColorGetComponents(lhs.CGColor);
            if([lhs _colorSpaceModel] == kCGColorSpaceModelMonochrome){
                r = g = b = components[0];
                a = components[1];

                return r == red2 && g == green2 && b == blue2 && a == alpha2;
        } else {  // rhs color could be a monochrome
            const CGFloat *components = CGColorGetComponents(rhs.CGColor);

            if([rhs _colorSpaceModel] == kCGColorSpaceModelMonochrome){
                r = g = b = components[0];
                a = components[1];
                return r == red1 && g == green1 && b == blue1 && a == alpha1;

        NSError *aError = [[NSError alloc] initWithDomain:@"UIColorComparision" code:-11111 userInfo:[self _colorComparisionErrorUserInfo]];
        *error = aError;
        return  NO;
    } else if (!lhsSuccess && !rhsSuccess){ // both not RGBA, lets try HSBA
        CGFloat hue1,saturation1,brightness1;
        CGFloat hue2,saturation2,brightness2;

        lhsSuccess = [lhs getHue:&hue1 saturation:&saturation1 brightness:&brightness1 alpha:&alpha1];
        rhsSuccess = [lhs getHue:&hue2 saturation:&saturation2 brightness:&brightness2 alpha:&alpha2];
        if((!lhsSuccess && rhsSuccess) || (lhsSuccess && !rhsSuccess)){
            NSError *aError = [[NSError alloc] initWithDomain:@"UIColorComparision" code:-11111 userInfo:[self _colorComparisionErrorUserInfo]];
            *error = aError;
            return  NO;
        } else if(!lhsSuccess && !rhsSuccess){ // both not HSBA, lets try monochrome
            CGFloat white1, white2;

            lhsSuccess = [lhs getWhite:&white1 alpha:&alpha1];
            rhsSuccess = [rhs getWhite:&white2 alpha:&alpha2];
            if((!lhsSuccess && rhsSuccess) || (lhsSuccess && !rhsSuccess)){
                NSError *aError = [[NSError alloc] initWithDomain:@"UIColorComparision" code:-11111 userInfo:[self _colorComparisionErrorUserInfo]];
                *error = aError;
                return  NO;
            } else {
                return white1 == white2 && alpha1 == alpha2;

        } else {
            return hue1 == hue2 && saturation1 == saturation2 && brightness1 == brightness2 && alpha1 == alpha2;

    } else {
        return (red1 == red2 && green1 == green2 && blue1 == blue2 && alpha1 == alpha2);


-(NSDictionary *)_colorComparisionErrorUserInfo{

    NSDictionary *userInfo = @{
                               NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: NSLocalizedString(@"Comparision failed.", nil),
                               NSLocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey: NSLocalizedString(@"The colors models are incompatible. Or the color is a pattern.", nil),

    return userInfo;

- (CGColorSpaceModel)_colorSpaceModel {
    return CGColorSpaceGetModel(CGColorGetColorSpace(self.CGColor));


UIColor *green1 = [UIColor greenColor];
UIColor *green2 = [UIColor colorWithRed:0 green:1 blue:0 alpha:1];
UIColor *yellow = [UIColor yellowColor];
UIColor *grey1  = [UIColor colorWithWhite:2.0/3.0 alpha:1];
UIColor *grey2  = [UIColor lightGrayColor];

NSError *error1, *error2, *error3, *error4, *error5;

BOOL match1 = [green1 matchesColor:green2 error:&error1];   // YES
BOOL match2 = [green1 matchesColor:yellow error:&error2];   // NO
BOOL match3 = [green1 matchesColor:grey1 error:&error3];    // NO
BOOL match4 = [grey1 matchesColor:grey2 error:&error4];     // YES
BOOL match5 = [grey1 matchesColor:[UIColor colorWithPatternImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"bg.png"]]
                            error:&error5];                 // NO, Error
6楼-- · 2019-01-03 03:24

samvermette's solution translated to swift:

extension UIColor {
    func isEqualToColor(otherColor : UIColor) -> Bool {
        if self == otherColor {
            return true

        let colorSpaceRGB = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB()
        let convertColorToRGBSpace : ((color : UIColor) -> UIColor?) = { (color) -> UIColor? in
            if CGColorSpaceGetModel(CGColorGetColorSpace(color.CGColor)) == CGColorSpaceModel.Monochrome {
                let oldComponents = CGColorGetComponents(color.CGColor)
                let components : [CGFloat] = [ oldComponents[0], oldComponents[0], oldComponents[0], oldComponents[1] ]
                let colorRef = CGColorCreate(colorSpaceRGB, components)
                let colorOut = UIColor(CGColor: colorRef!)
                return colorOut
            else {
                return color;

        let selfColor = convertColorToRGBSpace(color: self)
        let otherColor = convertColorToRGBSpace(color: otherColor)

        if let selfColor = selfColor, otherColor = otherColor {
            return selfColor.isEqual(otherColor)
        else {
            return false
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