the given R shiny script creates a dropdown menu in the sidebar with main and sub menu items. When you click on the first sub-item 1, you get two selectInputs in the dashboardBody. I want a functionality where I just declare these inputs once and use it multiple times in the other sub-items, just like how reactive function does.I want to do this to make the script fast and efficient. I have less knowledge of reactive functionality, please help and thanks.
ui <- dashboardPage(
id = "tabs",
menuItem("Charts", icon = icon("bar-chart-o"),
menuSubItem("Sub-item 1", tabName = "subitem1"),
menuSubItem("Sub-item 2", tabName = "subitem2"),
menuSubItem("Sub-item 3", tabName = "subitem3"),
menuSubItem("Sub-item 4", tabName = "subitem4")
tabItem("subitem1", column(2,offset = 0, style='padding:1px;',
selectInput("select1","select1",c("A1","A2","A3"), selected = "A1")),
column(2,offset = 0, style='padding:1px;',
selectInput("select2","select2",c("A3","A4","A5"), selected = "A3"))),
tabItem("subitem2", "Widgets tab content"),
tabItem("subitem3", "Sub-item 1 tab content"),
tabItem("subitem4", "Sub-item 2 tab content"))))
server <- function(input, output, session) {
shinyApp(ui, server)
Your code can be rewritten with shiny
. The UI module where you want to display the two dropdowns can be written as one (Ui function) and then can be referred in the places you want.Modified code: