I'm trying to group the items in a ng-repeat using a condition.
An example condition is to group all elements with the same hour.
The data:
{name: 'AAA', time: '12:05'},
{name: 'BBB', time: '12:10'},
{name: 'CCC', time: '13:20'},
{name: 'DDD', time: '13:30'},
{name: 'EEE', time: '13:40'},
The 'time' field is actually a timestamp (1399372207) but with the exact time the example output is easier to understand.
I am listing these items using ng-repeat:
<div ng-repeat="r in data| orderBy:sort:direction">
also tried with:
<div ng-repeat-start="r in data| orderBy:sort:direction"></div>
<div ng-repeat-end></div>
A valid output is:
<div class="group-class">
<div class="group-class">
My last option if there isn't a simple solution for my problem would be to group the data and then assign it to the scope variable used in ng-repeat.
Any thoughts?
You can use groupBy filter of angular.filter module.
so you can do something like this:
collection | groupBy:property
use nested property with dot notation:
Group name: alpha
* player: Gene
Group name: beta
* player: George
* player: Paula
Group name: gamma
* player: Steve
* player: Scruath
UPDATE: jsbin
First make group in Controller:
Then Make a Filter for it:
Then Change Template:
Just a simple HTML solution for static groups.
Group name: Football
- Player Name: Nikodem
- Player Name: Lambert
Group name: Basketball
- Player Name: John
- Player Name: Izaäk
- Player Name: Dionisia