I have several categories and each category has several materials/products. I have a problem since when i decided to delete a material/product on a category, I also delete a material/product in another category? How would able to fix this using reactive forms? How would i independently delete one material only and not another? This is the link to my code CODE LINK
patchValues() {
let rows = this.myForm.get('rows') as FormArray;
this.orders.forEach(material => {
material.materials.forEach(x => {
rows.push(this.fb.group({material_id: x.id,material_name: x.name, quantity: x.qty}))
onDeleteRow(rowIndex) {
let rows = this.myForm.get('rows') as FormArray;
Well, the idea is the same,
You need create an array of array. it's easy lose yourself if you haven't careful, but it's some like:
the template it's like