I would like to parse a list of data from one intent to another intent
However, with my code, I'm only manage to pass the first item in the listview . I use a log.d to check for the items, and realised that only one items is being pass. In my listview there's 2 items,when I pass it over to my next intent, only one item was shown in the log..
I did a serializable in my class. I make a log in my summary, however, when I click on summary, the log that was shown in not all the data.
01-28 18:20:49.218: D/Bundle(20278): bundle : Bundle[{clickedpreOdometer=, clickedID=2, clickedCost= 12.0, clickedDate=27/12/2014, pojoArrayList=[com.example.fuellogproject.fuelLogPojo@43bf3f18, com.example.fuellogproject.fuelLogPojo@43bf5b68], clickedPump=3, clickedPrice=4, clickedFCon= 0.0, clickedOdometer=3}]
public void summaryClick (View v)
Intent sum = new Intent(this, summary.class);
fuelLogPojo clickedObject = pojoArrayList.get(0);
Bundle dataBundle = new Bundle();
dataBundle.putString("clickedID", clickedObject.getid());
dataBundle.putString("clickedDate", clickedObject.getdate());
dataBundle.putString("clickedPrice", clickedObject.getprice());
dataBundle.putString("clickedPump", clickedObject.getpump());
dataBundle.putString("clickedCost", clickedObject.getcost());
dataBundle.putString("clickedOdometer", clickedObject.getodometer());
dataBundle.putString("clickedFCon", clickedObject.getfcon());
dataBundle.putSerializable("pojoArrayList", pojoArrayList);
Log.i("FuelLog", "dataBundle " + dataBundle);
// Attach the bundled data to the intent
// sum.putExtras(dataBundle);
Log.i("Exrrass", "dataBundle " + dataBundle);
// Start the Activity
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
//month = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.month);
avgPrice = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.showavfPriceTV);
exFuel = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.showexFuelTV);
avgFC = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.showavgFCTV);
doneButton = (Button)findViewById(R.id.doneBTN);
exitButton = (Button)findViewById(R.id.exitBTN);
Bundle takeBundledData = getIntent().getExtras();
// First we need to get the bundle data that pass from the UndergraduateListActivity
bundleID = takeBundledData.getString("clickedID");
/*bundleDate = takeBundledData.getString("clickedDate");
bundlePrice = takeBundledData.getString("clickedPrice");
bundlePump = takeBundledData.getString("clickedPump");
bundleCost = takeBundledData.getString("clickedCost");
bundleOdometer = takeBundledData.getString("clickedOdometer");
bundlePreOdometer = takeBundledData.getString("clickedpreOdometer");
bundleFcon = takeBundledData.getString("clickedFCon");*/
Log.d("Bundle","bundle : "+ takeBundledData);
public class fuelLogPojo implements Serializable{
should implement eitherParcelable
Bundles can accept custom classes, if they implement either
is faster but more work to implement andSerializable
is easier to implement, but slower.I'm going to imagine that
fuelLogPojo extends Serializable
in this example, just because its easier to setup but you should really considerParcelable
Then you can do this:
Also, you should reconsider the naming convention for your classes.
EDIT: Here's how to access that
in summary.If you want to pass array of Custom Objects You have to implements
interfaceTake a look here
And then pass array like
and read it
get the values of textbox and store it to some variables ex, val1 and val2 then use
In the second Activity write