i have saved the mjpeg stream to the sdcard as xxx.mjpeg .However, the mjpeg video file was not supported in android. so how could i encode mjpeg video into 3gp or mp4 format and then store them on sdcard ,at last ,i can play back the 3gp or mp4 video on my android phone ,thanks in advance.
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I am not aware of state of mobo's ffmpeg source out there. I had built it long back.
I tried the rockplayer's ffmpeg port. This has hassle free build. I was able to build it today successfully on NDK_r4b.
You can download the source from here : http://www.rockplayer.com/tech_en.html
modify the config.mk to change your tool paths and run build_andriod.sh (spelling is wrong, but it works :) )
let me know how it goes
There is no way you can achieve this with current Android API.
You need to encode the frames using an encoder in C++ and pass your bitmaps to the encoder via JNI. You can start with MoboPlayer's ffmpeg port. You may find the download link to their ffmpeg port at the bottom of this page
If you have the image sequence in Bitmaps, you can access the Bitmap's buffer from JNI using the AndroidBitmap_* methods and pass it on to ffmpeg for encoding