Is it possible to use the Analyser
node in the offlineAudioContext
to do frequency analysis?
I found out that ScriptProcessor
's onaudioprocess
event still fires in the offlineAudioContext
and this was the only event source I could use to call getByteFrequencyData
of the Analyser
Node. As below:
var offline = new offlineAudioContext(1, buffer.length, 44100);
var bufferSource = offline.createBufferSource();
bufferSource.buffer = buffer;
var analyser = offline.createAnalyser();
var scp = offline.createScriptProcessor(256, 0, 1);
scp.connect(offline.destination); // this is necessary for the script processor to start
var freqData = new Uint8Array(analyser.frequencyBinCount);
scp.onaudioprocess = function(){
// freqData is always the same.
The problem here is that freqData
array is always the same and never changes. Seem like as if it is only analysing one section of the buffer.
Am I doing anything wrong here? Or the Analyser
is not intended to be used in the offlineContext
And here is the fiddle with the same code.
The analyser isn't really intended to be used in the offlineContext; in fact, it was originally named "RealtimeAnalyser". But even more importantly, right now you won't get consistent functionality from script processors in offline contexts, either.
An alternative is to use the
methods available for anOfflineAudioContext
. After suspending, you can use your analyser node to get the desired time and/or frequency domain data. Since the context is stopped, this works just fine. If you're going to do this several times, you'll need to schedule a stop for the next time before resuming.Unfortunately, AFAIK, only Chrome has implemented
for anOfflineAudioContext