I created DC-OS cluster on azure, after creating with ssh public key I can access to master with the following commands, sudo ssh -v -A -p 2200 user@master-ip -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa
After getting into Master I want to access agents so I copied id_rsa and id_rsa.pub key from host to master node. and run the following command.
ssh -p 22 debug1: No more authentication methods to try. Permission denied (public key)
but unfortunately it will give following error, I have tried so many ways but didn't ssh into the salve.
We can follow those steps to SSH agent:
1.Upload private key to master, I upload private key(222222) to this directory:
2.change permission for this private key, change to 600:
3.Use this key to SSH agent:
1.We can use CLI 2.0 to find the VMSS' instance admin user name, the name same as your master admin user:
2.Also we should check the private key permission, we should set it to 600.
3.Make sure
directory permission is 700 or 755.