is it possible to import data in SQL Server table to SAP ABAP internal table directly?
I want to use this itab in a SE37 function. thanks in advance
is it possible to import data in SQL Server table to SAP ABAP internal table directly?
I want to use this itab in a SE37 function. thanks in advance
For your task you can use a function module (SE37) or you can use module pool, or a report (SE38, SE80). Check this report:
Hope it helps.
It's not really clear what you want to do. I'm assuming what you mean is that you'd like to read an entire SQL table (or certain entries from it) into program memory? Perhaps you could shed some more light here?
If that's the case than you can simply declare an internal table which has the structure of your SQL table containing the data.
DATA: table_name TYPE STANDARD/HASHED/SORTED TABLE OF name_of_sql_table.
FIELD-SYMBOLS <structure> TYPE name_of_sql_table.
SELECT * FROM name_of_sql_table INTO TABLE table_name.
And from there it's just reading data from the internal table.
READ TABLE table_name ASSIGNING <structure> WITH KEY table_key_field(s) = condition(s).
But as jagger said be careful how big your table is.