I am trying to model a graph to solve some connection time problem. So for example I have the following graph
F1,F2 F3 F4
F5,F6 F7 F8
I model ST_B, ST2,ST3,ST4,ST5, ST_E as station (node). and F1-F9 as flt node. And each flt node has a departure time and arrival time. And the relationship is connect. Also in this case, let's assume F2 arrival time is 30mins less than F3 departure time, and F6 is 30mins less than F7. (means the connection is not valid) So the valid route from ST_B to ST_E should be F1-F3-F4, F5-F7-F8 and F9. I have try to use cypher to solve this problem without success. (may be I am modeling it wrong).
I have added labels for the nodes to distinguish flights and stations. All flights F1-F9 are labeled with :Flight, all stations ST_B, ST_E and ST_2-ST_5 are labeled with :Station.