Jumping of how i will find windows handle in my main program...
in C#
I run notepad.exe then type something in it,then find the main window handle using SPY++ (0x111111) ,and
[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
internal static extern int GetWindowText(IntPtr hWnd, [Out] StringBuilder lpString, int nMaxCount);
GetWindowText((IntPtr)(0x111111), str, 1024);
this code works fine and return me the caption of the main window.
: : but when i do the same to find caption of the child of notepad.exe it just set str to nothing. the spy++ told me that the child's caption has value.
The "most correct" way to do this would be:
Note the use of
attributes to eliminate unnecessary copying during marshalling.Also note that you should never expose p/invoke methods to the outside world (not public).
The GetWindowText function documentation clearly states that "GetWindowText cannot retrieve the text of a control in another application. ... To retrieve the text of a control in another process, send a WM_GETTEXT message directly instead of calling GetWindowText."
You can retrieve the control's text with the following code: