I have the following cmd file:-
PowerShell.exe -noexit E:\wwwroot\domains\processes\AddDirectory.ps1 -Param testdomain.co.uk
which goes through to:-
$Session = New-PSSession -ComputerName
$script = {
set-executionpolicy unrestricted -force
# Set Variables
$domain = $Param1
$sitepath = "e:\domains\" + $domain
# Check for physical path
if (-not (Test-Path -path $sitePath))
New-Item -Path $sitepath -type directory
New-Item -Path $sitepath\wwwroot -type directory
set-executionpolicy restricted -force
Invoke-Command -Session $Session -ScriptBlock $script
But it just runs but does nothing.
If I declare the $domain variable as $domain = 'testdomain.co.uk' it works but it doesn't want to pass through the var from the cmd file. What am I doing wrong? I've tried to put it in the Invoke-Command as -ArgumentsList -$Param1 but that doesn't work either.....
Any ideas greatfully received
Thanks Paul
Update - I've updated my code as per below but getting same issue:-
$script = {
set-executionpolicy unrestricted -force
# Set Variables
$domain = $Param1
$sitepath = "e:\domains\" + $domain
# Check for physical path
if (-not (Test-Path -path $sitePath))
New-Item -Path $sitepath -type directory
New-Item -Path $sitepath\wwwroot -type directory
New-Item -Path $sitepath\db -type directory
New-Item -Path $sitepath\stats -type directory
set-executionpolicy restricted -force
$Session = New-PSSession -ComputerName
Invoke-Command -Session $Session -ScriptBlock $script -ArgumentList $domainName
You need to use a param block in the script, the argument you pass to the file will be assign to $domainName and you will use it to pass the value to the scriptblock :