I have a DataList and Update Panel in my page. After implementation, I checked that the response is talking very long time after using Update panels...Here is the study material. I have a Delete Command event in Datalist and works find in the above mentioned case. I was trying to implement Delete Command using Page Methods. Any Idea how to do that?
I basically want to find hidden controls in this event and have to delete the record in `database. Any help will be highly appreciated.
Rest Services
The full application can be downloaded from:
This sample uses rest services in ASP.Net (the same concepts can be applied to a MVC application)
The clearer advantage when using rest services vs page methods, is testability.
I will guide you step by step to configure the service:
You need the following references:
Nuget packages:
jQuery plugins:
Service info
In Global.asax
In web.config
Register scripts (they can be registered in a master page)
In a ASP.Net content page (in this sample, I am using a master page)
And that’s it, ajax commands the easy way =)