I am using jQuery 1.7 and I use async:false
for my AJAX requets, but I've learned that this function is deprecated.
I need to use callback but this doesn't work:
$("#form").submit(function(e) {
var cnf;
type: "POST",
url: 'page.php',
data: $('#form').serialize(),
async: true,
success: function(responseText) {
if(responseText.indexOf('err') != -1) {
cnf = "error";
else {
cnf = "success";
return callBack( cnf );
error: function() {
cnf = "error";
return callBack( cnf );
if(cnf == "success")
<form id="form">
<input type="text" name="email">
<input type="submit">
If I use async: false
this works. Using callBack I see the solution here: wait for a jquery ajax callback from calling function
Continuing from the comments: You seem to be a little obsessed with callbacks, when you don't seem to need any! :)
The simple change to your existing code is to throw away
and simply put your code in the success part of the ajax call:From the documentation:
You are not using it with
.That said, non-async HTTP is horrible with JavaScript and best avoided. Do your work in or from the callback. Don't try to return data to the calling function so it can do the work.