According to this link not only FireFox but also Internet Explorer should support the use of automatic hyphenation in css/html, however my demo (using the Dutch language, which is supported by IE).
SEE MY CSS DEMO where hyphenation does work flawlessly on FF 42 but not on current IE 11 while it should be supported. What am I doing wrong? Below the css and html i'm using.
article p{
-webkit-hyphens : auto;
-moz-hyphens: auto;
-ms-hyphens: auto;
hyphens: auto;
<article lang="nl">
What am I doing wrong? What part of this css code needs to be changed sothat auto hyphenation works on Internet Explorer as well on the Dutch (nl) language?
I had the same problem until I used
inside the<html>
tag, so setting yourlang
attribute will allow these browsers to actually hyphenate with your language.