I'm using the google-api-java-client version 1.8-beta for oAuth2 authentication with Google accounts. Everything fine until I get the GoogleTokenResponse object, which has the access token but not refresh token. To build the request url I user the following method :
googleAuthenticationUrl = new GoogleAuthorizationCodeRequestUrl(CLIENT_ID, callBackUrl, scopes).build();
When getting the request token I exchange it with an access token in this line :
GoogleTokenResponse tokenResponse = new GoogleAuthorizationCodeTokenRequest(new NetHttpTransport(), new JacksonFactory(), CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, request.getParameter(CODE_URL_PARAM), callBackUrl).execute();
The returned GoogleTokenResponse object does not contains the refresh token :
Could you please shed my light on this issue ? Thank you very much for your help!
For anyone getting here from a Google search, I was not using the pure server side flow, so was getting the authorization token via javascript as in this doc, @PapelPincel answer was a hint for me.
You should add data-accesstype="offline" to your button as in the following snippet:
In addition to PapelPincel's answer, I had to also force the approval prompt using the .Net release to get the refresh token. eg
When building the request Url, you should set the Access Type :
As described in this page setting this parameter is recommended :