I am using GMAP.NET in c#. I am able to display the map on the form, now i am trying to draw a CIRCLE mouse by clicking on a certian point, keeping the left mouse button and dragging the mouse upto specific place. Once the circle is drawn I want to get its radius in miles from the center point which I am sure GMAP is capable of doing it. I am using Opentstreet maps.
I am just unable to achive this functionly, anybody who has played with GMAP control kindly share your experience with some code which will work.
so the apartment is not going ellipses
The only way that I am aware of that can achieve such a result is to create a list with PointLatLng points and draw them as a polygon. Here is an example:
and this class
If you want to use the typical GDI features associated with the drawing class, you can simply inherit the GMapMarker class. This allows you to draw simple shapes, like circles, and create custom properties (for instance, one that will calculate the radius in miles of the shape):
To draw points on the map:
(And because I had some questions about it) Since we are inhereting from the markers class, we can still take advantage of the tooltiptext capability:
I hit the same problem and on entry I had Lon, Lat and radius, here is my solution. It works like a charm :)