I'm trying to ask a question about async knockout.js validation running on page load, and I'm attempting to reproduce the issue on jsfiddle.
Thing is, I can't get the most basic example to work, despite having a more complex scenario running on my box. What's wrong with this?
I have to post code:
<div id="vm">
<input type="text" data-bind="value: validatableField" />
<p data-bind="validationMessage: validatableField"></p>
<button data-bind="click: alertValue">value is alerted ok, but doesn't validate</button>
var Vm = function(){
var self = this;
self.validatableField = ko.observable().extend({ equal: 2 });
self.alertValue = function(){
ko.applyBindings(new Vm(), document.getElementById('vm'));
There is nothing wrong with your code.
However the current version of the validation plugin on (cdnjs 1.0.2) is quite old and it has a bug which prevents the
working correctly. This bug has been fixed since then.As a workaround you need to call
at the start of your fiddle:Demo JSFiddle.