I need to select users with dogs (pets with type
equal 'dog')
var User = Waterline.Collection.extend({
identity: 'user',
attributes: {
firstName: 'string',
lastName: 'string',
pets: {
collection: 'pet',
via: 'owner'
var Pet = Waterline.Collection.extend({
identity: 'pet',
attributes: {
type: 'string',
name: 'string',
owner: {
model: 'user'
I didn't find any examples, I tried like this
User.find().populate('pets', {type: 'dog'}).exec(err, users) ...
and this
User.find().where({'pets.type': 'dog'}).populate('pets').exec(err, users) ...
but that does not work
Would be greate if result users array will has no pets records
Did you try this?
What you are looking for hasn't been implemented in waterline (Sails ORM) yet, check issue #266 for more details.
This will return all users (
) and only populate pets of type dog (populate('pets', {type: 'dog'})
). So you'll have users without dogs in your results.Waterline does not support dot (.) notation. Sails-mongo does have some support for it due to MongoDB support.
Finally, if you are using one of the SQL adapters you may work around this by doing a raw sql query using
(docs).If you don't need to query users and just need the query for dogs. You could just as easily reverse the query.
Pet.find({type: 'dog'}).populate('users').exec(err, petsWithUsers)