I'm trying to implement a expression handling grammar (that deals with nested parenthesis and stuff). I have the following so far, but they can't deal with some cases (successful/failure cases appear after the following code block). Anyone know what's going on?
Note: The varname += and varname = stuff are just some additional AST generation helper stuff in XText. Don't worry about them for now.
NilExpression returns Expression:
FalseExpression returns Expression:
TrueExpression returns Expression:
NumberExpression returns Expression:
StringExpression returns Expression:
value=STRING; //EllipsesExpression: '...';
//FunctionExpression: function=function; //don't allow random functions
op=unop ('(' expr=Expression ')')|expr=Expression;
'or'? AndOp; //or op
'and'? ComparisonOp;
('>'|'<'|'>='|'<='|'=='|'~=')? ConcatOp;
'..'? AddSubOp;
('+' '-')? MultDivOp;
('*' '/')? ExpOp;
'^'? (('(' expr=Expression ')')|expr=Expression);
ExprSideOne : Variable|NilExpression|FalseExpression|TrueExpression|
expression1=ExprSideOne expression2+=BinaryExpression*
( expression1=ExprSideOne expression2+=BinaryExpression* )
And here's the list of parses/fails:
c = ((b)); //fails
c = ((a not b)); //fails
c = b; //parses
d = (b); //parses
What's going on is that your Expression/Expressions support single parentheses but not multiple parentheses (as you concluded). I don't have ANTLR specific experience but I've worked with Javacc which shares many similar concepts (I wrote a grammar for Prolog... don't ask).
To handle nested parentheses, you typically have something similar to:
This would mean that the expression is either wrapped in parentheses or it's just a raw expression. As for how the AST deals with this, a ParenthesisExpression 'is a' Expression, so it can be represented as a subclass or an implementation of (if Expression is an interface/abstract class of sorts).
Make use of the
placed after the token/rule name is very useful for defining expressions.I've used this grammar for simple expressions: http://fisheye2.atlassian.com/browse/~raw,r=5175/antlr-examples/C/polydiff/Poly.g
I've also used the grammar contain in this project for more complex expressions: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/recipes/sota_expression_evaluator.aspx